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Teeth Bleaching & Alternatives

If you don’t feel great about your teeth, you may be looking for options to help them look better. For example, maybe you have some discoloration that makes it uncomfortable for you to smile. Whatever the reason, teeth bleaching and snap-on veneers are options to consider.

teeth bleaching

What Is Teeth Bleaching?

Teeth bleaching is the process of whitening your teeth. You can have your teeth bleached at your dentist’s office or at home. Either way, you will be using a bleaching agent that contains peroxide. 

By general rule of thumb, the longer the bleaching agent is on your teeth, the whiter your teeth will become. However, the more peroxide in the agent, the shorter period it should remain on your teeth. Otherwise, you run the risk of dehydrating your teeth and increasing your tooth sensitivity.

You will have the most luck with tooth-whitening if you have yellow teeth. It may work for brown teeth but will be less effective. If your teeth have gotten to gray or purple, it is unlikely tooth-whitening will work at all.

Does Bleaching Damage Teeth?

If you already have sensitive teeth, it can be uncomfortable to have your teeth bleached. Having your teeth bleached can cause temporary sensitivity in your teeth. If done incorrectly, bleaching can cause burned or even temporarily bleached gums.

Teeth Bleaching Options

There are three main options when it comes to bleaching your teeth: Getting it done in-office, using whitening strips and gels, and tray-based teeth bleaching systems.

In-Office Teeth Whitening

For this option, you go into the office, and your dentist will start by etching your teeth with an acid solution. They will then apply an oxidizing agent to your enamel. After this, your teeth will be exposed to a bright light or laser to make the lightening occur faster.

In-office teeth whitening is usually done over three to four sessions, each of which will last between thirty and sixty minutes. It could take more or less time, depending on how white you want your teeth to be.

A newer technique called power bleaching uses a highly concentrated form of hydrogen peroxide to lighten your teeth. This technique can be completed in one session. However, keep in mind that bleaching is temporary, and you may need to go back after a couple of years to do it again.

Price-wise, the costs vary, but it is going to cost you at least several hundred dollars.

Whitening Strips & Gels

You can buy teeth-whitening strips and gels over the counter. These options tend to be cheaper (around $10 to $55), but the results do not last as long (four or more months). They may also not work for you.

The whitening strips and gels are applied directly to your teeth using a brush or a thin strip. You will need to apply these peroxide-based products once or twice a day for ten to fourteen days. Each brand can have different directions, so make sure to read them before beginning.

Tray-Based Teeth Bleaching Systems

The tray-based teeth bleaching system can be bought over the counter or custom-fitted by your dentist. You will be given a tray that fits like a mouthguard filled with a peroxide-based bleaching gel or paste. You will have to put the tray in for one to several hours a day for up to four weeks.

The cost of this solution ranges from $150 to $600.

Snap-on Veneers as an Alternative to Teeth Bleaching

There are other alternatives to having your teeth bleached. You could get a set of snap-on veneers that would get your smile looking perfect pretty quickly. Snap-on veneers are essentially a set of fake teeth that snap on over top of your existing teeth.

There are multiple benefits to getting snap-on veneers rather than getting your teeth bleached.

Won’t Damage Teeth

One of the biggest advantages of snap-on veneers over teeth bleaching is that you don’t risk ruining your teeth or gums. Snap-on veneers are made using a mold, so they will match your existing teeth perfectly. 

Once you have made your mold, you send it back to Shiny Smile Veneers, and they send back your completed veneers. Simply pop them on over your existing teeth, and you are good to go!

No Costly Dentist Visits

Dentist visits can be extremely costly, and having procedures done just adds to the bill. With Shiny Smile Veneers, you pay a flat rate of $570. This will get you the kit you need to make your mold and your final veneers.

Choose Your Brightness

Another benefit of Shiny Smile Veneers is that you can choose the brightness you want for your teeth. With bleaching, it isn’t too hard to not quite reach the shade you want or to go too far past your desired shade. With Shiny Smile Veneers, you select the shade you desire during the checkout process. You can choose from bright white, pearl, or champagne.

Results Are Immediate

Finally, rather than having to go through several appointments to get your teeth bleached, your Shiny Smile Veneers are just snap on and go. You only have to wait for your kit to arrive and then your final veneers to get to you. However, you can do that waiting from the comfort of your home.

Your smile is an important part of how people see you. If your smile doesn’t look the way you want it to, you may be looking for options to improve it. For example, you could bleach your teeth by going to the dentist, using whitening strips or gels, or using a tray-based bleaching system. Or, you could get a set of Shiny Smile Veneers that don’t risk damaging your teeth, cost you less than the dentist, give you a choice over your brightness, and give you immediate results.

If you’re looking for a fast, affordable way to whiten your smile without damaging your teeth, Shiny Smile Veneers may be just what you’re looking for. We have helped thousands of people brighten their smiles and regain their confidence. So, start your smile transformation today!

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