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Dental Bonding & Alternatives

A chipped, discolored, and cracked tooth can lower your self-confidence. However, it doesn’t have to be a problem any more.  You can fix them with teeth bonding to flash your pearly whites. Here is a look at what dental bonding is and some of its alternatives. 

dental bonding

What is dental bonding for teeth?

Dental bonding is one of the methods used for improving smiles. Tooth bonding is a procedure where a dentist applies a tooth-colored composite resin to repair damaged teeth. The resin is hardened using a special light until it bonds to the teeth, resulting in an improved smile. It’s a cost-effective way to improve your smile compared to other dental cosmetic procedures.

Why do people get teeth bonded?

Dental bonding can fix imperfections in your teeth. Here are some reasons why people get teeth bonding.

  • Repair cracked or chipped teeth: Cracked teeth result from chewing hard food or tooth grinding. Teeth bonding can help fix the issue if the crack has not gone too deep.
  • Repair decayed teeth: Those tiny holes in your teeth can be corrected with bonding.
  • Improve the appearance of teeth: You can have white teeth which will boost your self-confidence.
  • Fill gaps between teeth: If you have gaps between your teeth, you can fix them with tooth bonding.
  • To make teeth look longer: If you have always wanted to make your teeth look longer, tooth bonding is an excellent option. 

What is the procedure to get teeth bonded?

Dental bonding is a simple and pain-free procedure. Here is the process for having teeth bonding. 


The teeth bonding process doesn’t need a lot of preparation. Anesthesia is not required unless the bonding is being used to fill a decayed tooth, the tooth needs to be drilled to change its shape, or the chip is near the nerve.

Bonding process

The dentist will scrub the tooth surface and apply a conditioning liquid. The process is used to ensure the bonding material adheres to the tooth. The dentist then applies a tooth-colored putty-like resin and then smoothens it to the required shape. Light or laser is used to harden the material. Once the material has hardened, it is polished to match the sheen to the tooth surface.

Completion time

The bonding process takes about 30 to 60 minutes per tooth. If you have multiple teeth bonded, you’ll need several visits. You can go back to your daily activities on the same day since no anesthesia is required during the procedure. 

How much does dental bonding cost?

The tooth bonding cost varies depending on the extent of the procedure, location, and the dentist’s experience. However, the average cost you can expect is $100 to $600 per tooth. You’ll have to replace the bonding after every 3 to 10 years. Make sure you check with your dental provider before you schedule an appointment. Some insurers don’t cover the cost since they consider dental bonding to be a cosmetic procedure. 

What are some alternatives to teeth bonding?

There are numerous alternatives for teeth bonding. They include:

Porcelain veneers

Porcelain veneers are custom-made porcelain shells that are bonded to the front teeth surfaces to change the size, shape, length, and color of teeth. They are used for improving and enhancing your smile. They are natural-looking and are effective in improving the appearance of crooked teeth, misshapen teeth, tooth gaps, and chipped teeth. A porcelain veneer is more expensive compared to tooth bonding. With porcelain veneer, you’ll pay between $900 and $2,500 for one tooth.

Temporary veneers

Temporary veneers are crafted using resin into pre-selected sizes and shapes before the dentist chooses the one that is a perfect fit. The dentist bonds the resin to the teeth, which creates a temporary fix until the permanent option is ready. There is a bonding process that ensures that you can’t remove the veneers without a dentist.

Dental crowns

Dental crowns are suitable for treating teeth that are severely damaged or have decay. It is a custom-made tooth-colored cap placed on the tooth to restore its strength, function, size, and shape. Dental crowns are used for restoring worn teeth, broken teeth and protecting the decayed teeth from damage. The cost of a dental crown varies depending on the location and the type of crown you choose. On average, the cost of a dental crown ranges from $800 to $3,500 per crown. Insurance covers a portion of the cost. However, you have to check with your insurance company.

Dental implants

Dental implants are another alternative you can use instead of teeth bonding. A dental implant is a surgical fixture placed in the jawbone. It acts as a replacement for the root of a missing tooth. They function like natural teeth and you won’t have to worry about them slipping while talking or eating. The cost of the dental implant depends on the type that your dentist recommends. For a single tooth implant, you’ll spend about $3,000 to $4,500. A multiple tooth implant will cost you $2,500 to $5,000 while a full mouth dental implant costs $20,000 to $50,000 per arch.

Why temporary snap-on veneers are a good alternative

Temporary snap-on veneers are an excellent alternative to teeth bonding because of the following:

  • Cost: A temporary veneer is an affordable option compared to teeth bonding.
  • No costly dentist visits: With temporary veneers, you won’t need dental visits.
  • Look like real teeth: It’ll not be easy for someone to tell you that you don’t have real teeth. The veneers are made to match your real teeth.
  • Easy to put in and take out: You won’t have to struggle with putting on your veneers
  • Easy to care for: You can take care of the temporary veneer using soap and water

How to get started with Shiny Smile veneers

Shiny Smile provides you with personalized temporary veneers. You can get the smile you want without visiting the dentist or having oral surgery. We have a simple and easy way to complete the process. The first thing you have to do is to place your order for the veneers of your choice. Once you receive the impression kit, you’ll make your impression in the comfort of your home.  Mail back the impressions in a pre-paid package once they are ready. You’ll receive your temporary veneers within a couple of weeks. You’ll save time and money since you won’t go to the dentist.

There is no better time than now to have that perfect smile. Place your order and have your temporary veneers delivered right to your doorstep.

Dr. Sara Shamma – Medical Reviewer

Dr Sara is a dedicated dentist with 10 years experience, who makes every effort to stay on top of current developments in dentistry. Dr Sara’s scope of dental expertise is in both general and cosmetic dentistry.

She specializes in crown and bridge replacements, endodontic treatment, implant guided surgeries and more. She has provided her patients with full mouth reconstruction using computer-aided surgical guides to improve their oral health, function and smile

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