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February 25, 2023

Although veneers and implants can both improve your smile. The difference between veneers and implants is that veneers only cover the front surface of your teeth while dental implants replace…

February 23, 2023

Getting traditional porcelain or composite dental veneers is a permanent cosmetic procedure that involves removing enamel from your teeth in order to fit tooth-colored shells. While the veneer process is…

December 15, 2022

For almost as long as cameras have been around, people have been taking pictures of themselves. Now that most of us walk around with compact, high-resolution cameras in our pockets,…

November 15, 2022

Everyone feels more confident about their appearance when they have a bright, beautiful smile. When a person feels more confident, it's much easier to relax and simply enjoy conversations with…

October 18, 2022

Pop-in veneers can work wonders if your teeth are stained, damaged, or have cosmetic flaws affecting your self-confidence. Despite being a temporary solution, pop-in veneers restore your beautiful smile and confidence in…

September 22, 2022

Instagram makes it fun to post so many moments of our lives. Whether it’s a delicious-looking restaurant meal, a gorgeous sunset behind a city skyline, or a modelesque photoshoot with…

August 21, 2022

Many cosmetic procedures can be quite expensive and often require repeated appointments or ongoing sessions before you start to see results. You may not be surprised, then, that some at-home…

August 15, 2022

Your teeth are an important part of you, so it's natural to want your smile to be the best it can be. However, if you suffer from issues like chipped…

August 6, 2022

You can’t get traditional veneers with missing teeth, because they need to be attached to existing teeth.  However, removable snap-on veneers, like those from Shiny Smile Veneers, can cover missing…

August 4, 2022

Being embarrassed by your teeth can cause more problems for you than you might realize. When you are embarrassed to show your teeth, it means you probably avoid social situations…

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